February 2021
Do you suffer from texting neck?
I have already talked about the head forwarding trend that I noticed in some patients, probably from adapting to their home-office situation.
There is another one, which is way more often seen and widespread, that is the posture when we are scrolling down on our cell phones. The term has been coined “The Text Neck” .
Hours on end in this position (most of the time without even noticing it) can cause several problems, both short and long term, some easy to fix and others more debilitating.
Take a look at the Guardian Graphic below to find out how much the weight of our heads increases as we tilt it forward.
Also think about the parts of your body that are stuck in the same position (We are really only moving the fingers and thumbs, not even the wrists are getting enough activity).
You can compare it to a river that has blockages on the way down the current. Bring that analogy to the body and you can see how much “stuff” we are keeping on the way up and down our river flow.
I could talk all day about this and those who come for regular sessions could probably finish my sentences. That is how important I believe our everyday postural habits are.
I will leave you with some quick tips to start and suggest you check with your body constantly for discomfort.
On number 2, try tucking your elbows to your body to make it easier to keep the posture.
We haven't come this far in evolution to waste our upright walking ability...
Follow the tips and schedule a massage :)
Thank you for reading!