Therapeutic Tools & Resources
We look for the best therapeutic products to use and we feel confident recommending them to our clients. These products enhance the benefits of our therapies.
The essential oils are designed to assist in the treatment of physical conditions while also providing you with mental and emotional support. They are often used during our treatments and you can extend their benefits, incorporating them into your daily routine.
Using aromatherapy diffusers, you can spread these oils around your house, car or other areas without changing their therapeutic qualities.
The Total Body Stretch is one of our favorite suggestions on how to keep your body limber, which facilitates overall circulation.
Learn more about each therapeutic tool:
Essential oils are considered mankind’s first medicine and have been used around the world for centuries.
Essential oils and other aromatics have been used to assist in the treatment of physical illnesses as well as for emotional and mental support.
When you inhale or apply essential oils, they can reach your bloodstream and specific organs and systems.
That is why it is very important that you know the source of the oils you use.
The strict attention to detail - from the seeds sown to the plants harvested, ensures that Young Living Oils are the purest, most potent essential oils available.
We use and recommend Young Living Essential Oils.
You can check their website and use Sponsor #355.130 when placing your order at
Andrea Beaman is a nationally renowned Holistic Health Coach and Natural Foods Chef. Named one of the top 100 Most Influential Health and Fitness Experts of 2012 by, she is also a recipient of the Natural Gourmet Institute’s Award for Excellence in Health-Supportive Education and a Health Leadership award from The Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
Since 1999, she has been teaching individuals and health practitioners how to harness the body’s own preventative and healing powers with nutritional practices that are:
An energetic and engaging speaker with a talent for imparting knowledge in a loving, joyful way, Andrea’s passion for good health and natural healing is contagious.
Check out some of her programs here.
Total Body Stretch
Everyone can benefit from stretching on a regular basis.
Tamille Wee's Total Body Stretch is a perfect addition to your practice.
Just 10 minutes a day will help you keep your overall circulation going.
Take a look at for more titles or click here for the Total Stretch for Beginners.
Make sure to use coupon code tamileefitness1.
Copyright © 2020 Therapeutic Flow - Isabel Bell (305) 794-3520 - Plantation, Florida