Lymphedema is a condition in which the lymphatic system is unable to properly
transport fluid from the tissue spaces back to the circulation.
This compromised transport leads to the accumulation of lymphatic fluid causing the swelling.
Lymphedema can develop due to missing or impaired lymph vessels (Primary Lymphedema) or when lymph vessels are damaged or lymph nodes are removed (Secondary Lymphedema).
Lymphedema is different from normal edema or swelling; it is made up of protein rich fluid (lymph) that can only be drained by the lymphatic vessels.
If the lymphatic system is not functioning properly, then the fluid and proteins will remain in the tissue spaces despite elevation, and may turn into a chronic condition.
Although there is no cure, the condition can be successfully managed.
Lymphedema has a variety of causes including, but not limited to, congenital anomaly of lymphatic vessels, trauma, surgical intervention, infection or radiation treatment.
Lymphedema is classified as either Primary or Secondary.
Primary lymphedema is due to congenital abnormality and can appear immediately after birth, at the onset of puberty or during mid-adult years.
Secondary lymphedema can develop as a result of surgery, radiation, infection or trauma. It can appear immediately post-surgery, or weeks, months, even years later.
Signs and Symptoms
Swelling is the main symptom of lymphedema, and often this swelling is localized to one body region or limb.
Other signs are skin feeling tight and decreased flexibility.
To determine whether swelling is truly lymphedema requires a discussion with one's health practitioner.
Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) is a therapeutic protocol consisting of two phases (Intensive and Management) and four components.
In the intensive phase, treatment is administered as often as possible.
In the management phase, patients apply the practice and principles learned to manage their life-long condition.
The four components of treatment are Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Compression Therapy, Decongestive Exercises and Skin Care, all accompanied by patient education.
Malignant cancer is considered a relative contraindication.
Give us a call or send us a message if you have questions or wish to schedule your a session.
(305) 794.3520
Copyright © 2020 Therapeutic Flow - Isabel Bell (305) 794-3520 - Plantation, Florida